adodrndarr's Stars
My personal web page where I'll keep an update of my recent projects that I worked on, gained skills and technologies that I've used during the work.
Small Game React Application to practice some basic features of the library like components, property/event binding, effects, state management, context API and overall project organization.
See "docs" folder for more information about the application
See Readme below and left, for better readability... An angular application which retrieves cards and has few of the following functionalities: 1.Filtering a card by color, type, 2.Sorting in a specific order, 3.Searching a specific card by name or text. Sorry for the bad readability, Github doesn't allow empty spaces unbelievable xD
A mini ASP.NET Web API project providing some animal facts with basic CRUD operations.
Small demo Angular app to test out some features like services, components, pipes, directives, authentication, interceptors, forms, property/event binding, guards, resolvers, subjects, observables etc...
A small ASP.NET MVC project for organizing activities with basic CRUD methods.
An ASP.NET MVC project e-commerce like, online store for technology - different kinds of laptops, computers, gadgets, user log in options and shopping.