
This is a lightweight Docker image that contains a pre-configured stunnel instance, based on alpine.

Primary LanguageShell



This is a lightweight Docker image that contains a pre-configured stunnel instance, based on alpine.

The idea is to have a generic stunnel image that we can easily inject as side-container into pods that need to provide secured connection.


By default,

  • the image expect tls.crt and tls.key files to be provided in /etc/stunnel/certs/,
  • will listen for encrypted traffic on :8443, and send it to localhost:8000

Behaviour can be tweaked using the following environment variables:

environment variable description default
STUNNEL_ACCEPT accept connection on 8443
STUNNEL_CONNECT send traffic to (upstream) 8000
STUNNEL_CERT TLS cert /etc/stunnel/certs/tls.crt
STUNNEL_KEY TLS cert's key /etc/stunnel/certs/tls.key


docker-compose up
curl -vk https://localhost:8443

Docker registry
