
Telegram bot that forwards sms messages to a telegram chanenel

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Weather Status Bot

Known Vulnerabilities


This bot scrapes weather data from a website to format into a message, which is then broadcasted to a dedicated telegram channel. The script was written in Nodejs and is run on an AWS EC2 environment.


  • Broadcasts CAT status messages
  • Broadcasts PSI reading messages(toggleable with RUN_PSI, see environment vars)

Environment Variables

These variables are used to give the bot and the scripts information that is private and necessary to instruct the bot on how to behave.

  • BOT_TOKEN unique token for telegraf api to recognize which bot to use
  • CHANNEL_ID unique id for bot to access correct channel
  • CAT1_USERNAME username to access website
  • CAT1_PASSWORD password to access website
  • WEB_LOGIN_URL website url
  • WEB_CAT_URL url for cat status page on website
  • WEB_PSI_URL url for psi readings page on website
  • RUN_PSI toggles psi reading messages(yes/no)

Controlling the bot on the EC2 instance

Begin by ssh-ing into the ec2 instance, which you will need access to the aws account for.

Starting the bot

Make sure you are in bot directory [cd Telegram-Bot], then

$ pm2 start index.js

Changing/Adding env vars

$ sudo nano ~/.bashrc

Crtl-X, Y and Enter to save changes to environment variable file

See PM2 Docs for more info