YCGL::Lite - Yokoda Common General Library lite.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
use YCGL::Lite;
my $ycgl = YCGL::Lite->new();
## Current timestamp
my $current_timestamp = $ycgl->times->current_timestamp();
say $current_timestamp; # 2016-01-01 00:00:00
my $today = $ycgl->times->today();
say $today; # 2016-01-01
my $date_one_month_ago = $ycgl->times->date_add($today,0,-1,0);
say $date_one_month_ago; # 2015-12-01
my $date_diff = $ycgl->times->date_diff($today,'2016-01-05');
say $date_diff; # 4
## Mail
my $mail_data = {
to => [{name => 'to1',addr =>'to1@example.com'}],
cc => [{name => 'cc1', addr => 'cc1@example.com'}],
bcc => [{name => 'bcc', addr => 'bcc1@example.com'}],
from => {name => 'myname', addr => 'myname@example.com'},
mta_addr => '',
subject => 'mail example.',
content => 'This is example.',
content_type => 'text/plain'
## HTTP, HTTPS client
my $result_http = $ycgl->http_client->get('http://example.com');
my $result_https = $ycgl->http_client->post('https://example.com',{username => 'myname', password => 'password'});
## Data interchange
my $json_text = $ycgl->data_conv->perl_to_json({name => 'myname', age => 20});
my $perl_from_json = $ycgl->data_conv->json_to_perl($json_text);
my $csv_text = $ycgl->data_conv->perl_to_csv([['name','age'],['myname',20],['yourname',21]]);
my $perl_from_csv = $ycgl->data_conv->csv_to_perl($csv_text);
my $perl_from_csvfile = $ycgl->data_conv->csvfile_to_perl('./mycsvfile.csv');
my $xml_records = {
meta_data => [{source_name => ['MYSOURCE']}],
records =>
data_seq => 1,
pname => 'myname',
age => 20
data_seq => 2,
pname => 'yourname',
age => 21
my $xml_text = $ycgl->data_conv->perl_to_xml(
{ForceArray => 1,RootName => 'ROOTNAME', XMLDecl => 1} # option
my $perl_from_xml = $ycgl->data_conv->xml_to_perl($xml_text);
# MessagePack
my $msgpack_text = $ycgl->data_conv->perl_to_msgpack({name => 'myname', age => 20});
my $perl_from_msgpack = $ycgl->data_conv->msgpack_to_perl($msgpack_text);
## Parallel Processing
my $data_parallel_1 = [{val_1 => 1, val_2 => 2},{val_1 => 10, val_2 => 20}];
my $my_sub_1 = sub {my $inputs = shift; return($inputs{val_1} + $inputs{val_2});};
my @results = $ycgl->parallel->do_with_result($data_parallel_1, $my_sub_1, 10);
my $data_parallel_2 = ['http://example.com/1','http://example.com/2'];
my $my_sub_2 = sub {my $url = shift; $ycgl->http_client->get($url);};
$ycgl->parallel->do_without_result($data_parallel_2, $my_sub_2, 20);
## MapReduce
# generating data
my $data_map_reduce;
for(0 .. 20){
my $tmp_data;
for(0 .. 10000){
# mapper code
my $mapper = sub {
my $input = shift;
my $sum = 0;
my $num = $#$input + 1;
for(0 .. $#$input){
$sum += $input->[$_];
my $avg = $sum / $num;
return({avg => $avg, sum => $sum});
# reducer code
my $reducer = sub {
my $input = shift;
my $sum = 0;
my $avg = 0;
my $num = $#$input + 1;
for(0 .. $#$input){
$sum += $input->[$_]->{sum};
$avg += $input->[$_]->{avg};
$avg = $avg / $num;
return({avg => $avg, sum => $sum});
# do MapReduce
my $result = $ycgl->parallel->map_reduce(
print "SUM: $result->{sum}\nAVG: $result->{avg}\n";
## Plack Server
# static file server
my $public_dir = './public/';
# eval server (dangerous)
my $eval_path = '/mysecret_eval_path';
my $data_map_reduce_real;
for(0 .. 2){
my $tmp_data;
for(0 .. 10000){
# MapReduce by using remote eval servers
my $real_mapr_result = $ycgl->parallel->map_reduce(
{remote => 1}
YCGL::Lite has commonly and generally used functions.
Copyright (C) Toshiaki Yokoda.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Toshiaki Yokoda adokoy001@gmail.com