
Qt builds not produced by the Qt Project

Primary LanguageShell

Qt More Builds

Supplying builds for Qt configurations not currently produced by the Qt Project.

Qt 5.11.0 build with clang on macOS 10.13.4

Qt 5.7.0 built with clang (Apple LLVM 8.0) on macOS 10.12

Includes OpenSSL but not the Qt Connectivity module (Bluetooth or NFC)

./configure -I "/usr/local/opt/openssl/include/" -L "/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/" -l "crypto" -l "ssl" -opensource -confirm-license -release -c++std c++14 -shared -largefile -openssl-linked -no-qml-debug -system-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-freetype -qt-pcre -no-dbus -skip qtwebengine -skip qtconnectivity -nomake tests -nomake examples -v

Qt 5.7.0 built with gcc 6 on Ubuntu 14.04

Includes OpenSSL - ICU 52

./configure -platform linux-g++-64 -opensource -confirm-license -release -c++std c++14 -shared -largefile -openssl -no-qml-debug -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-doubleconversion -qt-harfbuzz -qt-xcb -qt-pcre -skip qtwebengine -nomake tests -nomake examples -v -prefix ~/Qt/5.7

Qt 5.5.1 built with clang 3.6 on Ubuntu 14.04

The following configuration options were used:

./configure -platform linux-clang -release -c++11 -qt-xcb -opensource -confirm-license -nomake tests -nomake examples -skip qtwebkit -skip qtwebkit-examples -largefile -openssl -v