Python Integration with Notion API
Notionintegration is a package with the purpose of creating databases or obtain already existing databases. Furthermore you will be able to search databases by name, once it is found, you could add new pages.
*** In "Page" class method "add_row_to_ratabase", "data" object has to be addapted to columns format of your database, in further versions the data dictionary will be decoupled of the particular application it was needed for.
SO windows / Linux
Initiate a virtual environment in project folder
Python 3.11.0
Install Python packages: requests, dotenv
Create a ".env" file in "notionintegration" folder with content:
NOTIONKEY=<secret_key_integration_generated_in_notion_app> #see: NOTIONVERSION='YYYY-MM-dd' PARENT_ID=<id_of_parent_of_database> #existing or new
- Create DataBase
#example of database column properties
database_columns_properties = [
{'Book Title' : {
'name': 'Book Title',
'type': 'title',
'title': {},
{'Author': {
'name': 'Author',
'type': 'rich_text',
'rich_text': {},
{'Type of Element': {
'name': 'Type of Element',
'type': 'select',
"select": {
"options": [
"id": "note",
"name": "📝Note",
"color": "blue"
"id": "highlight",
"name": "🖍Highlight",
"color": "red"
"id": "marker",
"name": "📑Marker",
"color": "yellow"
{'page': {
'name': 'Page',
'type': 'number',
'number': {
'format': 'number'
{'Position': {
'name': 'Position',
'type': 'rich_text',
'rich_text': {},
{'Highlignted Text': {
'name': 'Highlignted Text',
'type': 'rich_text',
'rich_text': {},
{'Date': {
'name': 'Date',
'type': 'date',
'date': {},
database = DataBase(PARENT_ID, database_name=<str:database_name>, properties=database_columns_properties)
create_database_response = database.create_database_if_not_exists()
- Get Existing DataBase
database = DataBase(PARENT_ID, database_name=<str:existing_database_name)
- Add Page to DataBase
database = DataBase(PARENT_ID, database_name=<str:existing_database_name)
page = Page(database) #new Page object which inherits DataBase object previously created
row must match database cols format.
row = [
{'Book Title': 'The Little Prince',
'Author': 'Antoine de Saint-Exupéry',
'Type of Element': {'id':"highlight", 'name':'🖍Highlight'},
'page': 48,
'Position': "250-260",
'Highlignted Text': "lorem ipsum ... lorem ipsum ...",
'Date': "2023-02-01"},
{'Book Title': 'The Phoenix Project',
'Author': 'Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford',
'Type of Element': {'id':"marker", 'name':'📑Marker'},
'page': 70,
'Position': "50-160",
'Highlignted Text': "",
'Date': "2022-06-01"},
{'Book Title': 'The Phoenix Project',
'Author': 'Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford',
'Type of Element': {'id':"note", 'name':'📝Note'},
'page': 70,
'Position': "50-160",
'Highlignted Text': "lorem ipsum ... lorem ipsum ...",
'Date': "2022-06-01"}
Contributors names and contact info
*Adolfo Armas @adolfoarmasm.
- 0.1
- Initial Release: create DBs and its Pages related to a books anotations. FUTURE: package full decoupled from book anotations application