This repository contains solutions to Leetcode problems where I try to save different approaches to solve sometimes similar problems and how I track my practice around main topics in data-structures and algorithms.
I've organised the packages in this repo, splitting them by categories mostly related to data-structures, each
sub-package of com.adolfoeloy
should have the name of a data-structure.
!There may be exceptions to this rule, because some problems fit into many categories/data-structures.
Goal: Go through all the categories and programming techniques below.
- February (stacks, queues, heap) ✅
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- Array
- Union-find
- Heap
- Linked list
- Queue
- Stack
- Calculator problems and different ways to solve
- Tree
- Trie
- Graph
- Recursion
- Divide-and-conquer
- Greedy algorithms
- Dynamic Programming