A vanilla JS basic popup modal made with Svelte. Use this as the base component for making nice, useful modals, like svelte-dialog.
$ npm install svelte-modal
- Stop depending on a fork of svelta-extras
- This README is missing a lot of stuff. For now, just look at the demo code and the component source code.
import Modal from 'svelte-modal'
const content = document.createElement('p')
content.textContent = 'Modal content.'
const modal = new Modal({
center: false, // false => aligned to top, true => aligned to center
zIndexBase: 1, // adjust the relative z-index of the modal
transitionDuration: 225, // duration of transition in and out
pressScrimToDismiss: true, // press outside the modal to dismiss it
escapeToDismiss: true, // press escape key to dismiss the modal
slots: { default: content }
modal.on('result', result => {
result // result of either modal.close or modal.dismiss
modal.on('closed', result => {
result // result that was passed to `modal.close`
modal.on('dismissed', result => {
result // result that was passed to `modal.dismissed`
modal.on('hidden', () => {}) // fires when the modal has finished transitioning out
// or