
an python interview work, with backend - flask, frontend - react

Primary LanguageCSS


Tech Stack


  • react/react-datepicker
  • axios
  • bootstrap - ui
  • cnpm


  • flask,flask-cors
  • sqlite
  • conda


please refer to shcema.sql

How to use

install and start server in development mode


install and start client in development mode


localhost:3000 is the client address localhost:5000 is the server address

How to use

  • login: admin/admin is the admin account, register not support
  • register: actually is the appointment page
  • list: appointment list, need login

and the test data are all list in the schema.sql too.


login page, include register hyper link and login logic Login

register page, include login hyper link and forms for register.
actually it might be appointment register. i was disguided before. (2022/06/02 14:03) Register

user list, only for admin check users, include a simple pager list


Restful Api

api method Data Description
index get None login page,only frontend,no server required
user/register post name, birthday,phone number,email, addr,photo user registration
user/login post email or phone a login page
user/list post None list all users, only for admin?


apologize for this, no time to apply unit test for both side.


Due to some problem of myself, things to be done are as below

  • input file is very ugly
  • cannot load photoes which uploaded before
  • password is not encrypted now
  • ui/ue is not very good
  • uploaded filename should be unique, the md5 should be applyed
  • uint test should be implemented