
Name of Project:

Festival Finder


My website will provide a database of North American based music festivals categorized by music genres. It will provide features such as auth0 login for users, profiles that can be customized once the user has signed up, as well as a 5-star rating system for festivals that each user has the ability to add, edit, or delete after they’ve attended.


10-20 genres

5-7 festivals (Canada & US only for now)

User profiles

Festival rating system

Features (3 pages)


Clickable logo

Header with auth0 sign-in button

Once a user is logged in, the login button will be replaced with a logout button


Dropdown which supplies list of festivals

Genre selection then in turn pulls up related festival recommendations

Pop-up page to provide details on each specific festival

User profile page

User can modify profile info

Signed in users can rate festivals

User not signed up can only view festival ratings

APIs & Packages Used:

API - MongoDB Packages - React, Express, Styled Component Library, Server.js: for stored data on server

Stretch Goals:

Eventually, I would like for the website to serve as a space where international events, as well as small, local events can be posted and promoted. I would also like to incorporate a feature where tickets can be scrubbed from other third party pages, so that they can be purchased either directly on my website, or redirect clients to where they can be purchased.

I hope to create functionality that allows users to have history of past festival searches, festival ratings, past comments in addition to access to a chat forum. I would also like to have upgraded admin accounts that have power to manage the chat forum, as well as create a friends list to add and delete friends on the chat forum.

Cloudinary: Uploading and storing images for festival submissions, and user profile images

NPM Mapbox: Maps to show where the festivals are located on google maps

Admin page to manage festival and genre database

Comments can be left by users

Non-signed in users can view comments, but cannot respond

Creator of post can edit at anytime