
Coding exercise for Stanford

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The file convert-script.js uses the FileConverter class to read in a specified CSV file of user attributes and output it as a JSON or XML file.
The output is grouped by each user's telephone area code.

Build instructions: Run `npm i` to install NPM modules.

Example usage in terminal:
> node convert-file.js inputFile=input.csv outputType=json outputFile=myOutputFile.json LastName=Stanford

Flags: - inputFile (required): name of the CSV file to read
       - ouputType (optional): can be 'json' (default) or 'xml'
       - outputFile (optional): output file path that defaults to ./ouptput.json
       - FirstName, LastName, Gender, PhoneNumber, ID, or EyeColor (optional): search criteria used to only output certain users. 
         Multiple filters may be used.

Unexpected input values are output as warnings to the console.

New test cases were added to input.csv. Other test cases include:

Output as JSON: node convert-file.js inputFile=input.csv 
Output as JSON with multiple search criteria: node convert-file.js inputFile=input.csv LastName=Shmoe FirstName=Joe
Output as JSON (explicit, with specified output file): node convert-file.js inputFile=input.csv outputType=json outputFile=blah.json LastName=Shmoe FirstName=Joe
Output as XML: node convert-file.js inputFile=input.csv outputType=xml LastName=Shmoe FirstName=Joe
Output as XML (with specified output file): node convert-file.js inputFile=input.csv outputType=xml outputFile=blah.xml LastName=Shmoe FirstName=Joe
No input file specified: node convert-file.js outputType=xml LastName=Shmoe FirstName=Joe
Input file does not exist: node convert-file.js inputFile=inputs.csv outputType=xml LastName=Shmoe SomeField=Joe
Invalid output type: node convert-file.js inputFile=input.csv outputType=blah LastName=Shmoe FirstName=Joe
Invalid search criterion: node convert-file.js inputFile=input.csv outputType=xml SomeField=Joe