
Wrapper for the core os module for use in - http://iceddev.github.com/blog/2012/11/05/node-js-in-chrome/

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is ( could be the beginnings of ) a wrapper for the core Node.js OS lib.

  • I started this so I could 'chromify' a node module that required core OS for os.networkInterfaces() but I've added a few others.
  • The Chrome APIs are async and I'm not sure how browserify should handle this?
  • So far none of the mappings are quite the same.
  • To run the test on your machine install the package using 'npm install' and then run the 'grunt'. This will run dump a node-os.js into the test/app folder. If you then install the Chrome App you should see how the output compares.