Edit XML Shops of IGCN Mu Online Server S9E3
- Bigman for Code
- TopReal.IT for... appearing in credits of the original source code I get :)
- Virtual for Decompile
- Moacir for share (http://forum.ragezone.com/f508/igc-mu-toolkit-shop-editor-1077612/)
- RageZone Forum for the space to share
- Webzen for make our veloved Mu Online
- Gabrieliuga for adding quick search
- Now read XML instead TXT (this was the whole point of modify it)
- Improve Ancient interface
- Socket amount
- Elemental type
- Quick Search
- Advanced Search
- Filter level & option of Arrows and Bolts (ToDo make some nice read XML with the limitations)
- Exit loop on delete when found
- Changed some name of the controls for better understand code
- Improve behavior of checked FO
- Tooltip format now black transparent
- Suggest help text in search
- Skill checkbox behavior
- Remove Dontwork variable where doesn't belong (misunderstood when modifing code)
- Corrected coder in text header generated in XML
- Filter level, option and elemental
- Make beautiful tooltip (add who can wear what)
- Free add items (allow to add an item in a specific place)(WARNING: objects are sorted "as it fit" in stores, not like inventory)
- Detect Elemental