Sample Scene,where is it ?
kiranmaya opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi, samples are in the process of being updated but you can find the existing sample project here
I have read your scripts, you were using photon pun services in both examples, I'm looking my own custom services ways to do voice chat,
is it possible for " net code for game objects " networking to do voice chat ,it had network variables and send message concepts built-in, or any other out-of-unity approach using .net libs?
I haven't used network for GO myself, but generally speaking univoice doesn't care about the network implementation, so it should be possible.
There are limitations that could be enforced by the layer, for example PUN2 throttles your traffic if you send too much custom data too often. You might want to look into that while implementing.
Feel free to reopen but closing for now as this page has the link to the samples and netcode is a separate discussion altogether.