Cant create a room
Xogy opened this issue · 3 comments
Hello sorry to bother I am not sure if I am doing something wrong here, I was following the example. I just cant to connect to any room.
I saw it in know issue that it can fail on mobile data/wifi, but I use cable connection and running it on the computer(might be this the problem?). I Would really appreciate help with my issue because this library really looks awesome and I would love to use it!
public AudioSource audioSource;
private Voice voice;
void Start()
voice = Voice.New(audioSource);
if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient)
Debug.Log($"Creating voice chat room: '{NetworkManager.RoomName}'");
voice.Create(NetworkManager.RoomName, onCreate);
voice.Join(NetworkManager.RoomName, onConnect);
void onCreate(bool success)
voice.Join(NetworkManager.RoomName, onConnect);
Debug.Log($"Create Event {success}");
void onConnect(bool success)
voice.Speaking = true;
Debug.Log($"Connect event {success}");
hey @Xogy , just saw this issue. Did you manage to solve this?
Hello, I wasn't lucky enough to solve this but I didn't want to really bother anyone so I closed this "issue" I found out that it doesn't really want to connect me even in the example scene (i did fill the public variables for text, volume, etc it just timeout me every time) so I dedicated to leave it for now and start focusing on other mechanics in the game, but as I read in some other issue/know issue it can slow internet, and my internet isn't really fastest one.
I see, yes there are issues that can come up with firewall, NAT punching and other things. WebRTC is quite complicated and honestly I don't understand it very well myself.
On the other hand, I am now spending more time on my open source, and I may look into this soon. Unity has it's own webrtc library now. I might provide an implementation based on it.