
Provides integration EnumMapper component with Symfony

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Enum Property Bundle На Русском


Bundle integrate EnumMapper component with Symfony ecosystem. Provides filters and functions for Twig and validator.


Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

    composer require adrenalinkin/enum-property-bundle

This command requires you to have Composer install globally.

Step 2: Enable the Bundle

After enable the bundle by adding into list of the registered bundles into app/AppKernel.php of your project:

// app/AppKernel.php

class AppKernel extends Kernel
    // ...

    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = [
            // ...

            new Linkin\Bundle\EnumPropertyBundle\LinkinEnumPropertyBundle(),

        return $bundles;

    // ...


Documentation for the EnumMapper component. As example we will use this class:


use Linkin\Component\EnumMapper\Mapper\AbstractEnumMapper;

class GenderMapper extends AbstractEnumMapper
    const DB_UNDEFINED = 0;
    const DB_MALE      = 10;
    const DB_FEMALE    = 20;

    const HUMAN_UNDEFINED = 'Undefined';
    const HUMAN_MALE      = 'Male';
    const HUMAN_FEMALE    = 'Female';

Twig Extension

Twig extension allow to use EnumMapper component functionality from the templates.


Get humanized value by received database value:

    {% set status = 20 %}
    {% set class = '\\Acme\\Bundle\\AcmeBundle\\Entity\\Mapper\\GenderMapper' %}
    {{ status|enum_to_human(class) }} {# Female #}


Get database value by received humanized value:

    {% set status = 'Male' %}
    {% set class = '\\Acme\\Bundle\\AcmeBundle\\Entity\\Mapper\\GenderMapper' %}
    {{ status|enum_to_db(class) }} {# 10 #}


Get full list of the available pairs of the database and humanized values:

    {% for key, value in enum_map('\\Acme\\Bundle\\AcmeBundle\\Entity\\Mapper\\GenderMapper') %}
        {{ key }}: {{ value|trans }} <br>
    {% endfor %}
        0: Undefined
        10: Male
        20: Female 

enum_allowed_db and enum_allowed_human

Get list of the all available value for the database values or for the humanized values:

    {% set class = '\\Acme\\Bundle\\AcmeBundle\\Entity\\Mapper\\GenderMapper' %}

    {{ enum_allowed_db(class)|join(', ') }} {# 0, 10, 20 #}
    {{ enum_allowed_human(class)|join(', ') }} {# Undefined, Male, Female #}

    {# Exclude values from result #}
    {{ enum_allowed_db(class, [0])|join(', ') }} {# 10, 20 #}
    {{ enum_allowed_human(class, ['Undefined'])|join(', ') }} {# Male, Female #}

enum_random_db and enum_random_human

Get random database or humanized value:

    {% set class = '\\Acme\\Bundle\\AcmeBundle\\Entity\\Mapper\\GenderMapper' %}

    {{ enum_random_db(class) }} {# 0 || 10 || 20 #}
    {{ enum_random_human(class) }} {# Undefined || Male || Female #}

    {# Exclude values from result #}
    {{ enum_random_db(class, [0]) }} {# 10 || 20 #}
    {{ enum_random_human(class, ['Undefined']) }} {# Male || Female #}

Enum Validator

For validate entity fields, which use EnumMapper component, bundle contain EnumValidator. Validator extends ChoiceValidator from the standard Symfony package. Changed standard error message and choice array. Array choice can not be changed and will be contain allowed database values of the received class-mapper. Also has been added several additional options. Required option:

  • mapperName - contains full name of the class-mapper.

Optional variable:

  • exclude - List of the database values which should be excluded from the allowed values.

Validator usage example

            - Linkin\Bundle\EnumPropertyBundle\Validator\Constraints\Enum:
                mapperName: 'Acme\Bundle\AcmeBundle\Entity\Mapper\GenderMapper'
                exclude:    [0]

