
A mongoose inspired ORM for Repl.it's built-in database

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A quick experiment to build an ORM on top of Repl.it's existing key/value based database.

More information about Repl's database can be found here


const {model, Schema} = require('repl-db-orm');

// Define a schema, what fields we want and their types
var testSchema = {
  Property1: Number,
  Words: String

// Create the model, specify the name and can specify the "table"
// as a third param which is just how we store the keys
const testModel = model("test", testSchema);

(async () => {
  // Create a new object by our model
  let a = new testModel({Property1: 55, Words: "Test test"});

  // save it to the db
  await a.save()

  // Find matches!
  testModel.find({Property1: 55}).then(console.log);

How it works

Each model property is saved as a key/value based on the schema definition.

Since we know the first part of the keys, we can query by rough matches to find models of a certain type with matching property values.

Then we can pull the model id out of the key itself with some simple regex.


Feel free to open PRs to improve this, it's still missing quite a few key features for usage such as delete, findOne, or a way to add other where clauses like OR.