
Primary LanguageJavaScript


NodeJS demo

npm install
cd demo
node demo-node

circuit.json, proving_key.json and verification_key.json will be generated.

Browser demo

With the JSON files generated on ./demo

npx parcel index.html

Open http://localhost:1234 and open the browser's console to see the progress.


Before circomlib is updated, the following changes need to be applied on version 0.0.5:

  • Importing web3-utils and replacing the appearences of Web3.utils by Web3Utils on .../circomlib/src/mimc7.js
  • Adding exports.babyJub = require("./src/babyjub"); on .../circomlib/index.js
  • Adding exports.pruneBuffer = pruneBuffer; on .../circomlib/src/eddsa.js

See PR iden3/circomlib#4