
Using Ebay's API GetCategories call to fetch the category tree for a desired category ID

Primary LanguagePython


This program uses Python 3.5.2 and its Request library to access Ebay's GetCategories API, download the entire eBay category tree, and stores it in a SQLite database. The SQLite database is then queried to render category trees in HTML that reflect the structure of the tree.

Getting started

Download all files and store them in the same directory. The files are:

  1. db_setup.py
  2. api_call.py
  3. render_html.py
  4. get_categories.sh

Get the data and set-up your database

From your prompt run ./get_categories.sh --rebuild. This will run db_setup.py to create your local categories.db database on SQLite in your working directory, with a categories table and a category_tree view of the hierarchical structure using an adjacency model. If the categories.db file already exists in your working directory, the program will delete it and create a new one.

Render html file with CategoryID

From your prompt run ./get_categories.sh --render [CategoryID] and the program will search all childs of the CategoryID in reference and create its tree structure using unordered lists in html. For example, ./get_categories.sh --render 1 will generate html file with tree structure for that CategoryID. If the categories.db does not exist in the working directory or the CategoryID isn't valid, the program will exit with an error.