A Facebook replica wherein users can add and remove friends; create, read, edit and remove posts & comments; create, read, remove likes on posts & comments; receive notifications on friend requests, likes and comments; and see a post feed.
The database schema is based on seven (7) models User, FriendRequest, Friendship, Post, Notification, Comment and Like.
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- RSpec
- Capybara
- FactoryBot
- DatabaseCleaner
- Faker
- Shoulda
- Figaro
This web app is deployed on a free tier of Heroku here.
You need:
- Ruby 2.6.1
- Rails 5
- PostgreSQL 11+
$ git clone https://github.com/adriaanbd/facebook-clone.git
$ cd facebook-clone
$ bundle install
$ rails db:setup
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails server
$ rspec -fd
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome