
:car: Giving the user the possibility to easily rent a car for a trip and giving all the information in one place for the car owner - Built at STARTHack 2019

Primary LanguagePython

An approach to change the way transporting is conceived

ForTheBadge built-with-love forthebadge made-with-python

Built at START Hack 2019

What it does

Our project provides an interface for both the user and the owner of the cars. Giving the user the possibility to easily rent a car for a trip and giving all the information in one place for the car owner.

How we built it

We built it merging many technologies. We created a backend with Flask connected with MongoDB, we implemented a fully-featured login page, face recognition with Deep Learning implemented with Python for KYC (Know your customer). We deployed a Heroku server with Docker.

Technical balance

In the following section we will discuss the pros and cons of the final solution that has been delivered. Also we will point out its possibilities in a bigger scale and how could it be improved.


  • It automatically makes all the registration and login process. Also it checks if the driver license it a driver license. The Computer Vision techniques used were a Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network Model and OCR.
  • We have the environment created with all the requirements so it would be pretty easy to use it with Docker, Kubernets or so. Actually we have already created the Dockerfile.
  • Out model takes in account several interesting points like: pricing, gas, routes, etc.


  • If we had more time we could have tried several architectures and models for the Computer Vision section to improve its performance and security.
  • There is still a lot of variables and features that can be optimized and used. The possibilities are infinite!
  • Even though we created the data in a way to represent reality as much as possible, the data that was used for our optimization models was not real.



Python 3.5+


Usage of virtualenv is recommended for package library / runtime isolation.


To run the server, please execute the following from the root directory:

1. Setup virtual environment

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

2. Install dependencies

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

3. Open your browser to here:


Alternatively, you can just build and run the Docker image:

1. Build Docker image

docker build -t volvo .

2. Run image

docker run -p 8081:8081 volvo

3. Open your browser to here:


Or if you just want to try it out online:

Already deployed version <- The client views should be seen using a smartphone viewport (screen size). The admin dashboard should be seen in a computer screen.

(Note: Since it is deployed on Heroku, if the app hasn't been used in some time, it might need a minute for the servers to start running once you make a request)


More in detail