
This project is about an http-server with a REST framework plus an object database. The purpose of this project is to allow developers to implement a very easy and light API Rest.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Seguim-Server is a project is about a http-server with a REST framework plus an object database. The purpose of this project is to allow developers to implement a very easy and light API Rest.

  • Seguim-server-core: Is the core of the http-server.
  • Seguim-server-db: Is an object database. Persisted in binary json and can work in memory or persisted in files.
  • Seguim-server-webapp-example: Is a web application (REST API) that uses seguim-server-core and seguim-server-db as example.

Before start (Requirements)

  • Jdk 1.17
  • Maven 2 or 3
  • Git
  • curl (for testing)

Quick start

Clone the project and install the jar in your local maven repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/adriafp/seguim-server.git
$ cd seguim-server
$ mvn clean install

Start the web server:

$ cd seguim-server-webapp-example/target/classes


$ sh startup.sh 


$ startup.bat 

Testing the API REST

GET /index:
$ curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8000/index


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-length: 18
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 10:49:41 GMT
POST /user:
$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"adria","surname":"febrer","email":"adria@seguim.com"}' http://localhost:8000/user


GET /user/{id}:
$ curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8000/user/1


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-length: 78
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 10:52:44 GMT