
Coding practice, a tic tac toe game coded in python

Primary LanguagePython

tic_tac_toe (Final Proyect for Python Essentials 1)

Coding practice, a tic tac toe game coded in python


Your task is to write a simple program which pretends to play tic-tac-toe with the user. To make it all easier for you, we've decided to simplify the game. Here are our assumptions:

  • the computer (i.e., your program) should play the game using 'X's;
  • the user (e.g., you) should play the game using 'O's;
  • the first move belongs to the computer − it always puts its first 'X' in the middle of the board;
  • all the squares are numbered row by row starting with 1 (see the example session below for reference)
  • the user inputs their move by entering the number of the square they choose − the number must be valid, i.e., it must be an integer, it must be greater than 0 and less than 10, and it cannot point to a field which is already occupied;
  • the program checks if the game is over − there are four possible verdicts: the game should continue, the game ends with a tie, you win, or the computer wins;
  • the computer responds with its move and the check is repeated;
  • don't implement any form of artificial intelligence − a random field choice made by the computer is good enough for the game.