Example project

Built with : Nuxt3, Vu3, Node, Apollo Server 4, Typescript, Prisma, Posgresql 14, and others

Requirements to run locally

  1. Docker
  2. docker compose as a plugin https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/compose-plugin/
  3. Port 80, 8080 should not be blocked (rest of the ports can be edited in the .env file)

NOTE: Application was tests on Ubuntu.22

How to start

make init
make start
make seeds 

NOTE: The application uses traefik to provide a reverse proxy to the ui app and api app.

Open the App at the url: http://ffdc.localhost/

Graphql server is available at: http://ffdc-api.localhost/graphql

Stop the app

make stop

Debugging the app

make logs