
Python Skype bot based on Microsoft Chat REST API V3.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

#Skype Bot

Implements Microsoft Chat REST API V3 client.

Currently Python 2.7 tested only.

Steps to run the bot on your local machine:

  1. Register your bot here.

  2. Get the bot name, app_id and password.

  3. Install ngrok.

  4. Create a virtualenv and install skype_bot.

    virtualenv ~/.virtualenv/skype_bot
    source ~/.virtualenv/skype_bot/bin/activate
    pip install git+https://github.com/amironenko/skype_bot.git
  5. Then create a file with contents like:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import logging
from skype_bot.bot import Bot

bot_config = { 'bot_name': 'my-bot',
               'bot_password': '<your bot password here>',  # example 'UeteHnfdQgieutiYLHTQE9F'
               'bot_app_id':   '<your app id here>',         # example '4f7bcc06-bb22-4f4a-b44c-51485be54c67'
               'logging_level': logging.DEBUG,
               'port': 3978,
               'hostname': 'localhost'

def handle_message(text, type, conversation_id, sender_name, sender_id):
    print "Message from {} received. Text: {}, type: {}, conversion_id: {}".format(sender_name, text, type,
    return 'message received'

my_bot = Bot(bot_config)
run_app = Bot.app

if __name__ == "__main__":

or just clone it from github:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amironenko/skype_bot/master/run_bot.py
  1. Paste your credentials to the bot_config dictionary.
  2. Run the bot:
python run_bot.py
  1. Run ngrok to make the bot accessible from the Internet:
ngrok http 3978

ngrok will keep hanging in interactive mode. Find a line like:

Forwarding                    https://0254f9a6.ngrok.io -> localhost:3978

It means that your bot is exposed to the Internet at https://0254f9a6.ngrok.io. Full URI is going to be:

  1. Now go and configure your bot Messaging endpoint.

  2. Test your bot.


To run bot as a WSGI application use run_app as a callable object.