
Evaluation Toolbox for Generative Models of Music

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Evaluation toolbox for generative models of music. With Florian Colombo, at EPFL (Laboratory of Computational Neuroscience).


The current steps of usage of the toolbox can be seen in the Jupyter notebook Evaluation-pipeline.ipynb

The first step is to load a dataset and preprocess with the following lines:

from utils.preprocessing import preprocess
dataset, sizes, dictionaries = preprocess(datapath)

Where datapath indicates a directory containing MIDI files. The files are read, simplified (single track, limited number of rhythms) and converted to a standard dataset format described below. The function split can also be useful to do cross-validation.

The second step is to implement a model. A model is a class that must implement the following methods: train(self, dataset): takes as input a standard preprocessed dataset. Besides training the model also calls the function predict (see below) on the training set and returns its result. predict(self, dataset): takes as input a standard preprocessed dataset and returns a "prediction dataset", ie. a dataset where each value is replaced by its probability distribution (as a defaultdict) predicted by the model. This result can then be fed to the metrics defined in evaluation.py. generate(self, n_songs=20, N=200, write_MIDI=False, dictionaries=None, path='../data/generated/'): Generates songs based on the internal parameters, and convert them to MIDI if asked.

Note that so far, 2 variants of Ngram models are implemented: INgram (for Independent Ngram, trains separate ngrams on the 3 feature sequences dT, t, and pitch), and FUNgram (for Feature Unrolled Ngram, trains an Ngram on a sequence where dT, t, and pitch are unrolled)

The third step is to define the set of models that one wants to evaluate along with their arguments in a dictionary, for example:

modelsDic = {'ingram': (INgram, {'order':1}),
            'fungram': (FUNgram, {'order': 3, 'sizes': sizes})}

Here, the keys of the dictionary are names for the models, and they map to a tuple whose first element is the class describing the model, and the second element a keyword arguments dictionary for the init method of the model. Then one can simply call:

models, metrics = compare_models(splitted, modelsDic)

which returns 2 dictionaries (for the trained models, and for the computed metrics). The metrics can then be visualized by calling plot_metric.

Description of the standard dataset format

Here, a song is formally defined as a sequence of notes, each note being described by 3 values: dT (the time difference with the previous note), t (the duration of the note), and pitch. However, in the dataset as we define it, each song is splitted into 3 sequences (for each feature).

In practice, a dataset contains 3 layers:

  • First it is a dictionary containing 3 keys: "dTseqs", "tseqs", "pitchseqs".
  • Each key maps to a sequence of songs
  • Each song being a sequence of values (floats)

Note how each song is dispersed into the 3 buckets of the dictionary: for instance, dataset["dTseqs"][0], dataset["tseqs"][0] and `dataset["pitchseqs"][0] are sequences having the same length and representing the 3 features in the same song.