
API client for MailChimp API v3

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

PHP Wrapper for MailChimp API v3 CircleCI


composer require adrian7/mailchimp-api-v3


There's one method to rule them all:

// $arguments is used as POST data or GET parameters, depending on the method used.
request($resource, $arguments = [], $method = 'GET')

But its clever enough to map these calls aswell:

get($resource, array $options = [])
head($resource, array $options = [])
put($resource, array $options = [])
post($resource, array $options = [])
patch($resource, array $options = [])
delete($resource, array $options = [])


We use offset and count in the query string to paginate data, because it provides greater control over how you view your data. Offset defaults to 0, so if you use offset=1, you'll miss the first element in the dataset. Count defaults to 10.

Source: http://kb.mailchimp.com/api/article/api-3-overview


Most endpoints don't currently support filtering, but we plan to add these capabilities over time. Schemas will tell you which collections can be filtered, and what to include in your query string.

Source: http://kb.mailchimp.com/api/article/api-3-overview

Partial Response

To cut down on data transfers, pass a comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from a certain response in the query string. The parameters fields and exclude_fields are mutually exclusive and will throw an error if a field isn't valid in your request.

Source: http://kb.mailchimp.com/api/article/api-3-overview

Behind Proxy

If you are behind a proxy, you can use setProxy directly on the class.

setProxy(host : string, port : int, [ssl : bool = false], [username = null], [password = null]);

See the example.


All queries will return an object containing the parsed json response.

$mc = new Mailchimp('<api-key>', '<guzzle-options[array]>');

// Get 10 lists starting from offset 10 and include only a specific set of fields
$result = $mc->request('lists', [
    'fields' => 'lists.id,lists.name,lists.stats.member_count',
    'offset' => 10,
    'count' => 10

// Will fire this query: 
// GET https://us1.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists?fields=lists.id,lists.name,lists.stats.member_count&count=10


Create list

// All these fields are required to create a new list.
$result = $mc->post('lists', [
    'name' => 'New list',
    'permission_reminder' => 'You signed up for updates on mailchimp-api-v3.',
    'email_type_option' => false,
    'contact' => [
        'company' => 'Doe Ltd.',
		'address1' => 'DoeStreet 1',
		'address2' => '',
		'city' => 'Doesy',
		'state' => 'Doedoe',
		'zip' => '1672-12',
		'country' => 'US',
		'phone' => '55533344412'
    'campaign_defaults' => [
        'from_name' => 'John Doe',
        'from_email' => 'john@doe.com',
        'subject' => 'My new campaign!',
        'language' => 'US'


$result = $mc->get('lists/e04d611199', [
    'fields' => 'id,name,stats.member_count'


$mc->setProxy('', 10, true, 'username', 'password');

$result = $mc->get('lists/e04d611199', [
    'fields' => 'id,name,stats.member_count'

Further documentation

You should read through Mailchimp's API v3 documentation.