Weather App
How to install:
-Go to
-On the top right corner you will see a button that says "Clone or download". Click on it and select "Download zip".
-A zip will be downloaded to your computer, open it and uncompress it.
-When you uncompress it you will have a new folder called "weatherApp-master". Open this folder.
-Inside this folder you will find "weatherApp.xcworkspace". This is the file you need to open to see the project. You must open it with Xcode.
-In Xcode on the top left corner you will see a play button, a stop button and next to them the "weatherApp" target with the icon image.
-Connect an iOS phone to your computer and select it in the list of devices that appear next to the target.
-Click the play button and you will see the app running on the phone :)
App flow:
-When you run the app you will be directed to the home screen. The app will ask you for permition to get your location to load the current weather of the place you are in.
-When your location is successfully obtained you will see in the screen the following components:
-Name of the city
-Current temperature in the city
-Maximum and minimum temperature of the day.
-Weather description. Ex. light rain, clear sky.
-A list of the forecast for rest of the day every 3 hours.
-An option to see the forecast of the next 7 days in the botton.
-In this screen you will also see in the top right corner a menu button, if you click this button you will be redirected to a screen that shows a list of the cities that you have saved. (It will save the one of your location automatically and display an icon to indicate this is your current location).
-If you click on the top right plus button in this screen you will be able to look for more cities and add them to the list.
-You can click on the different cities you will be able to see the weather details for each one.