Stash Challenge

To run the challenge

Project compiled on AndroidStudio ArticFox 2020.3.1 patch 2

What does the app currently do though?

Currently the app has a search field that you can enter something cool and it will fill the screen will a grid of images.


  1. Convert the existing code base to use RxJava
  2. Convert the existing code base to the Model-View-Presenter pattern
  3. Add a new feature
  4. Create an archive (.tar, .zip, etc.) of the codebase and return it

So whats the new feature?

When a user performs a long press on an image, pop up a dialog that display the pressed image, image title, image artist, and 3 similar images. (Hint: Check out the api folder for models and requests available)

Extra Credit

Create unit test for your Model-View-Presenter changes


Once you obtain your key you can integrate it by adding it to "api_key" in the string resources file.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out.