git clone the repo from the command line:
git clone git@github.com:adrianbautista/Fintech-Hackathon.git
if asked about an .rvmrc file, say yes, then run bundle
bundle install
duplicate config/database.yml.example and rename it config/database.yml, put database information for your local machine
start server
rails s
lets crush it! 加油!
Foundation: foundation.zurb.com/docs/
Ruby on Rails Guide: guides.rubyonrails.org/
SASS tutorial: sass-lang.com/tutorial.html
Devise (for user models, login, views, controllers): github.com/plataformatec/devise
Farady (for interacting with RESTful APIs): github.com/lostisland/faraday | www.intridea.com/blog/2012/3/12/faraday-one-http-client-to-rule-them-all
Biz Vizz API: bizvizz.com/api
Estimize API Doc: s3.amazonaws.com/com.estimize.public/EstimizeAPI.pdf
Alpha Data (list of open source APIs): alpha.data.gov/
For each API key we use, add a line to your .bash_profile file
Type subl ~.bash_profile to open the file
Add lines like so:
"export FT_BIZVIZ=thebizvizzkey" "export FT_SL=theSLkey"
Just replace the string after the equals sign with the key in the google doc.
Make sure you restart your terminal after.