Membership Proof of Concept Network

This is a helath care insurance proof of concept of a membership business network built on Hyperledger Composer.

This business network defines:

Participant SampleParticipant

Asset SampleAsset

Transaction SampleTransaction

Event SampleEvent

SampleAssets are owned by a SampleParticipant, and the value property on a SampleAsset can be modified by submitting a SampleTransaction. The SampleTransaction emits a SampleEvent that notifies applications of the old and new values for each modified SampleAsset.

To test this Business Network Definition in the Test tab:

Create a SampleParticipant participant:

  "$class": "org.acme.sample.SampleParticipant",
  "participantId": "Toby",
  "firstName": "Tobias",
  "lastName": "Hunter"

Create a SampleAsset asset:

  "$class": "org.acme.sample.SampleAsset",
  "assetId": "assetId:1",
  "owner": "resource:org.acme.sample.SampleParticipant#Toby",
  "value": "original value"

Submit a SampleTransaction transaction:

  "$class": "org.acme.sample.SampleTransaction",
  "asset": "resource:org.acme.sample.SampleAsset#assetId:1",
  "newValue": "new value"

After submitting this transaction, you should now see the transaction in the Transaction Registry and that a SampleEvent has been emitted. As a result, the value of the assetId:1 should now be new value in the Asset Registry.
