
Event Management Simplified for Magic

Primary LanguageRuby

#Facebook Set Up

  1. https://developers.facebook.com/
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. Under the My Apps tab, click 'create new app'.
  4. Select website.
  5. Choose a name for your application.
  6. Create Application.
  7. Select a suitable category.
  8. Create App ID.
  9. Scroll down and enter your site url, then click next. (http://localhost:3000 if on local machine)
  10. Click on the Facebook Developers Logo to refresh the page.
  11. Go to your app under the My Apps tab.
  12. Go to Settings and enter your contact email, then save changes.
  13. Go to Status & Reviews.
  14. Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?
  15. Click on No to change to YES and confirm.
  16. Head back to Dashboard to copy your App Id and App Secret to the settings page on Magicbeans, then save them.
  17. Head over to https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/.
  18. Select your app, Click on Get Access Token, Extended Permissions, then tick "Publish_action" and "Manage_pages", Get Access Token.
  19. Accept all consent on Pop Up.
  20. Copy the Access Token to settings page.
  21. Change the GET url to "me/accounts" and submit.
  22. Find the facebook page and copy the page id to setting page.
  23. Click on Save button first.
  24. Then click on Generate button on Page Access Token field.

You are good to go for posting to Facebook!

P.S. One more thing, you gotta create event on eventbrite first, get to eventbrite to make the event live then only posting to facebook will work.

What will Magicbeans post to Facebook?

  1. Your status update. (Pre-populated message can be customized)
  2. Link to Eventbrite event .
  3. Name of Activity as the name for link.
  4. Description of Activity as the description for link.
  5. Picture of Activity as the image for link.

#Google Calendar Set Up

Create the service account and its credentials

The service account will do the communication between the application and Google Calendar (through the v3 API).

  1. Sign in to the account of which you want to share the Google Calendar.
  2. Visit the Google Developers Console.
  3. Set up your project if you haven't already done so and enable the 'Google Calendar API'.
  4. Select your project and go to "APIs & auth", make sure "Google Calender API" is enabled.
  5. Click on 'credentials'.
  6. Click on "Create new client ID". Specify that your application type is service account, and proceed with the setup of the service account.

You should now have:

Share your calendar with the service account

Your service account will need to have access to the Google Calendar of the calendar user, to do this:

Sign in to the account of which you want to share the Google Calendar.

  1. Visit Google Calendar.
  2. Click on settings/calendars and 'edit settings' of the calendar you want to share.
  3. In the field 'Share with specific people' add the developer email address: xxxxxx@developer.gserviceaccount.com.
  4. select proper permissions and click on save.

Configure Setting

calendarID is usually your email address if you are using your own calendar.However, the ID might change if you created another calendar using the same email.

  1. Go to Google Calendar.
  2. On your left there are a few calendar listed if you have few of them.
  3. Click on the small down arrow beside the calendar.
  4. Select calendar settings.
  5. Scroll down and you will see the calendarID option.
  6. Copy the email address (xxx@developer.gserviceaccount.com) and calendarID into setting page and save.
  7. Convert the private keyfile (.p12 file) to RSA key.
  8. Save to RSA Key in Settings Page.

Get RSA Key using Rails Console

	require 'google/api_client'
	key = Google::APIClient::KeyUtils.load_from_pkcs12(File.join(Rails.root,'..','..','MagicBeans-931630ca9e3e.p12').to_s, 'notasecret')
	puts key

This should be sufficient enough to make Google Calendar work.

#Twitter Set Up

  1. Go to apps.twitter.com.
  2. Sign in.
  3. Create a new application:
  • https://apps.twitter.com/
  • Create new app.
  • Fill in all necesarry informations.
  • Provide suitable permission for the app. (Read and Write for this instance)
  • Generate your Apps Key, Secret and Access Token and Access Token Secret from the Keys and Access Tokens tab. (Need this for later config.)
  • You will have to regenerate App Key and Secret if you change permissions.
  1. Copy all these env vars to the settings page.
  • Twitter Consumer Key
  • Twtter Consumer Key Secret
  • Twitter Access Token
  • Twitter Acces Token Secret

What will Magicbeans tweet?

  1. Your tweet. (Pre-populated message can be customized)
  2. Link to Eventbrite event within the tweet.
  3. Picture of Activity as the image.

#Mailchimp Set Up

  1. Log in to your Mailchimp Account.
  2. Click on your account name on the top right of the interphase.
  3. Select Account.
  4. Go to Extra, click on API Keys.
  5. Create a key if you do not currently have one.
  6. Copy the API Key into the Settings page.
  7. Configure the custom invitation message that will appear at the top of your email.


"Custom Message Goes Here!"

Below are details of the event:

Program Name : MaGIC Techinical Bootcamps

Event Name : Web Development Bootcamp

Description : Whether you are a recent graduate, a non-technical founder or a career-switcher, you can become a highly-skilled web developer. Our 9 week long full time web development class takes you from zero to hero. When you complete it, you'll have all the skills needed to rapidly deploy your visions. The next intake in November is already full. Apply NOW for the next intake. Slots are limited and they are going fast. When you graduate, you may go directly to work as a web developer or continue with one of our other excellent training programs.

Speaker : Various Instructors

Speaker Bio : Web/Rails Developer

Key Takeaways : Learn Web Dev

Date : 2015-05-15 - 2015-05-19