
Run casperjs test sets in parallel.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Run casperjs test sets in parallel.

Useful for parallelizing casperjs tests where the tests can be broken down into multiple sets of non-conflicting tests.

ie. A, B, C, 1, 2, 3 are all casperjs tests where A, B, C cannot run at the same time likewise 1, 2, 3 cannot run at the same time, but any of 1, 2, 3 can run while any of A, B, C are running. So both sets can run in series at the same time because they do not conflict with each other.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt.

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-casper-queue --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "casper_queue" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named casper_queue to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  casper_queue: {
    options: {
      queueWorkers: x,
      maxRetries: x,
      args: [],
      queue: {
        'test set name': [
          {file: 'test.js', xunit: 'test-report.xml'}



Type: Array Default value: []

An array of locations to check for the casperjs executable.


casperjsLocations: [


Type: Object Default value: undefined

A configuration object that holds the tests sets to be run.

Each test consists of the file the test is in, the xunit file to store the result in, and any arguments that need to be overridden specifically for the test.

If the override key exists in options.args and the override value is '' then that argument will be omitted.

If options.runHeadless is true then 'xvfb-run a' will be prepended to the command so that the test will be run headless (assuming xvfb is installed). This is useful when wanting to run a test using --engine=slimerjs in a headless environment


  google: [
    {file: 'tests/casper-sample-0.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-0-0.xml', overrides: {'--ignore-ssl-errors': '', '--ssl-protocal': 'sslv3'}, options: {runHeadless: true}},
    {file: 'tests/casper-sample-0.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-0-1.xml'},
    {file: 'tests/casper-sample-0.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-0-2.xml'},
    {file: 'tests/casper-sample-0.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-0-3.xml'},
    {file: 'tests/casper-sample-0.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-0-4.xml'}
  bing: [
    {file: 'tests/casper-sample-1.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-1-0.xml'},
    {file: 'tests/casper-sample-1.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-1-1.xml'},
    {file: 'tests/casper-sample-1.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-1-2.xml'},
    {file: 'tests/casper-sample-1.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-1-3.xml'},
    {file: 'tests/casper-sample-1.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-1-4.xml'}


Type: Number Default value: 1

The number of test sets that will be run in parallel.


Type: Number Default value: 1

The maximum number of times to retry failed tests.


Type: Object Default value: {}

An object representing the command line arguments to pass to casperjs.

The key must be the full name of the argument (ie. '--ignore-ssl-errors') and the value must be a string.


args: {
  '--ignore-ssl-errors': 'yes',
  '--ssl-protocal': 'any',
  '--timeout': '10000'


Type: Array Default value: []

An array of strings representing the command line flags to pass to casperjs.

ie. All the command line arguments that have no value to set.


flags: [


Type: String Default value: undefined

A string that will set the current working directory of the casper test when run.

Usage Examples

An example configuration for grunt-casper-queue

casper_queue: {
  test: {
    options: {
      queueWorkers: 2,
      args: [
      queue: {
        google: [
          {file: 'tests/casper-sample-0.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-0-0.xml'},
          {file: 'tests/casper-sample-0.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-0-1.xml'},
          {file: 'tests/casper-sample-0.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-0-2.xml'},
          {file: 'tests/casper-sample-0.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-0-3.xml'},
          {file: 'tests/casper-sample-0.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-0-4.xml'}
        bing: [
          {file: 'tests/casper-sample-1.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-1-0.xml'},
          {file: 'tests/casper-sample-1.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-1-1.xml'},
          {file: 'tests/casper-sample-1.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-1-2.xml'},
          {file: 'tests/casper-sample-1.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-1-3.xml'},
          {file: 'tests/casper-sample-1.js', xunit: 'test-reports/casper-sample-1-4.xml'}


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

  • 06/05/2015 v0.0.13 Added a check on error codes not being reported, a option giving locations to check for casperjs, and an option to run a test in a headless mode
  • 06/05/2015 v0.0.12 Added an addition location for the casperjs binary
  • 24/02/2015 v0.0.11 Added the ability for each test to override arguments
  • 20/02/2015 v0.0.10 pretty print failed tests object
  • 20/02/2015 v0.0.9 make casperBin relative to the cwd if set
  • 20/02/2015 v0.0.8 add the option to set the cwd for the casperjs exec
  • 18/02/2015 v0.0.7 typos
  • 18/02/2015 v0.0.6 updated readme to reflect current state of the project
  • 12/02/2015 v0.0.5 missed renaming the project in one place
  • 12/02/2015 v0.0.4 missed renaming the project in one place
  • 12/02/2015 v0.0.3 renamed project
  • 05/02/2015 v0.0.2 Added a summary of test set times
  • 04/02/2015 v0.0.1 initial version of casperjs queues


Copyright (c) 2015 Adrian De Lisle. Licensed under the MIT license.