
This is a Boilerplate template for static websites meant to be build with Hammer for Mac

Primary LanguageCSS

Hammer Starter by @adrianengine


This is a Boilerplate template for static websites meant to be build with Hammer for Mac.


The template structure is based on ITCSS ("Inverted Triangle CSS").

It follows Reasonable System for CSS Stylesheet Structure.

Includes a copy of Normalize.

Uses Hammer's built-in support for Autoprefixer.


You’ll see it’s all, for the most part, directly nested inside the CSS folder. Instead of folders, we use namespaces to organize. Config files set up our grid and variables. Library files contain our base styles where we define global elements: borders, ornaments, our tools classes, our type styles etc.

Instead of creating 25 module SCSS partials, we section off the majority of them into a file called _component.sections.scss.

Naming Convention

  • Think in components, named with 2 words (.screenshot-image)
  • Components have elements, named with 1 word (.blog-post > .title)
  • Name variants with a dash prefix (.shop-banner.-with-icon)
  • Components can nest
  • Remember you can extend to make things simple


	<!-- BEM -->
	<form class="site-search site-search--full">
	  <input  class="site-search__field" type="text">
	  <button class="site-search__button"></button>

	<!-- rscss -->
	<form class="site-search -full">
	  <input  class="field" type="text">
	  <button class="button"></button>

Further reading

Ideas borrowed from many places, including:


Hammer Starter © 2016+, Adrian Quevedo. Released under the MIT License. Authored and maintained by Adrian Quevedo.

adrianengine.com  ·  GitHub @adrianengine  ·  Twitter @adrianengine