A jQuery plugin using the Instagram Basic Display API to fetch and display user photo feeds inside a list or any container you define.
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Error on getRecentTagged
#55 opened by coheia - 0
Callback function fires too early
#78 opened by rvalitov - 2
- 0
Options to control alt and title
#79 opened by rvalitov - 5
instagram does not have photos
#70 opened by mikedd96 - 1
Get link from tagged products
#71 opened by daweedco - 1
Can't register API
#73 opened by juan9999 - 2
Can not get access token
#72 opened by mrself - 1
Access token expires
#67 opened by WebCustoms - 3
Does this work for business accounts?
#65 opened by sommerset - 1
hashtagged photos doesn't show
#68 opened by illuzii - 1
"This endpoint has been retired" response?
#66 opened by curvedb - 9
Not work with new api...
#62 opened by ste-giordano95 - 2
- 3
Instagram API update
#64 opened by mindystukken - 6
- 1
Bootstrap for style
#60 opened by aida54901 - 8
spectragram.js:62 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
#47 opened by Danuve3 - 8
Problem with initialization
#45 opened by ArchimidisM - 5
Show user name and profile image
#59 opened - 1
- 1
Getting error is undefined
#54 opened by Toccamonium - 0
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- 3
Error: the username does not exist
#52 opened by Grawl - 38
Images are not loading in recently
#49 opened by umarfarukm - 1
images everywhere?
#51 opened by lakelounge - 6
Error 429 on Spectragram Demo Site
#48 opened by tommusrhodus - 4
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How to get the title of the photo?
#46 opened by umarfarukm - 1
i am not able to get my feed
#43 opened by adnanakram23 - 4
Cant get my instagram feed to load
#40 opened by murdoc2211 - 1
Enable/disable or Custom title for images
#36 opened by leoalv - 4
getUserFeed Dont Work?
#16 opened by JuliusDesign - 2
Problem with missing captions :: getUserFeed
#19 opened by hirschberg - 4
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- 1
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Update on more than 20 images?
#24 opened by seal62 - 2
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TypeError: is undefined
#35 opened by josm123 - 2
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Titles with apostrophes get cut short
#31 opened by hematic101 - 1
Won't resize
#29 opened by power7714 - 1
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Your website has naked boobs being shown
#39 opened by dangayle - 1
Display other user instead the one I choosed
#37 opened by mungle - 3
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Number of Pics on gallery
#15 opened by dmcreis - 1
VIdeo support
#14 opened by potepels