Crash Accident Detector

This project is an Arduino-based crash accident detector using an ESP32, GPS module, accelerometer, and Firebase for real-time database updates. The system detects crashes based on sudden changes in acceleration and sends the data to a Firebase Realtime Database, including the GPS coordinates, time, and vehicle information.

Hardware Requirements

  • ESP32
  • GPS Module (e.g., NEO-6M)
  • Accelerometer (e.g., ADXL335)
  • OLED Display (optional, for debugging and display purposes)
  • Breadboard and connecting wires

Libraries Required

  • Wire.h
  • WiFi.h
  • Adafruit_GFX.h
  • Adafruit_SSD1306.h
  • Firebase_ESP_Client.h
  • TinyGPS++.h

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd CrashDetector-Tracci
  2. Install the Required Libraries: Ensure you have the following libraries installed in your Arduino IDE. You can install them via the Library Manager (Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries):

    • Firebase ESP Client
    • TinyGPS++
    • Adafruit GFX Library
    • Adafruit SSD1306
  3. Update the WiFi Credentials and Firebase Configuration: In the CrashAccidentDetector2.ino file, update the following lines with your WiFi credentials, Firebase API key, email, password, and database URL:

    #define WIFI_SSID "your_wifi_ssid"
    #define WIFI_PASSWORD "your_wifi_password"
    #define API_KEY "your_firebase_api_key"
    #define USER_EMAIL "your_firebase_user_email"
    #define USER_PASSWORD "your_firebase_user_password"
    #define DATABASE_URL "your_firebase_database_url"
  4. Connect the Hardware:

    • Connect the GPS module to the ESP32:
      • RX of GPS to GPIO 16 of ESP32
      • TX of GPS to GPIO 17 of ESP32
    • Connect the accelerometer to the ESP32 analog pins:
      • X-axis to GPIO 34
      • Y-axis to GPIO 35
      • Z-axis to GPIO 32
    • (Optional) Connect the OLED display to the I2C pins of the ESP32:
      • SDA to GPIO 21
      • SCL to GPIO 22
  5. Upload the Code: Open the CrashAccidentDetector2.ino file in the Arduino IDE, select the correct board and port, and upload the code.

How It Works

  1. WiFi Initialization: The ESP32 connects to the specified WiFi network.

  2. Firebase Authentication: The ESP32 authenticates with Firebase using the provided API key, email, and password.

  3. GPS Data Acquisition: The ESP32 reads the GPS coordinates from the GPS module.

  4. Acceleration Monitoring: The ESP32 reads the acceleration values from the accelerometer and calculates the magnitude of changes to detect crashes.

  5. Crash Detection: When a crash is detected (based on the magnitude threshold), the system records the crash data, including time, GPS coordinates, and vehicle information, and sends it to the Firebase Realtime Database.

  6. Database Update: The crash data is stored in Firebase under a unique crash ID.


  • Adjust the sensitivity of the crash detection by changing the sensitivity and devibrate variables in the code.
  • Ensure that the Firebase project is properly set up with Realtime Database and the required authentication methods.


  • If the ESP32 fails to connect to WiFi, check the WiFi credentials and signal strength.
  • If the Firebase operations fail, ensure that the API key, email, password, and database URL are correct and that the ESP32 has internet access.
  • Use the Serial Monitor to debug and check the output for any error messages.


  • Adrian Fahri Affandi - 18221002
  • Farchan Martha Adji Chandra - 18221011
  • Raden Sjora Okalani - 18221014
  • Nabilah Amanda Putri - 18221021
  • Athira Dhyanissa Tafkir - 18221022