
Prometheus JSON REST API exporter

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

JSON exporter

This Prometheus exporter can be used to export metrics from a REST HTTP(S) API that provides JSON documents. We use JSONPath (https://github.com/h2non/jsonpath-ng) to extract the metrics and regular expressions to extract tokens from a metric path and use it to create metric names and labels.


This module depends on:

  • requests
  • jsonpath_ng
  • PyYAML
  • prometheus_client

Configuration file

The configuration file must be in YAML format. Here's an example:

        level: INFO
            - console
            format: "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
            class: logging.StreamHandler
            stream: ext://sys.stdout
            formatter: brief

    - name: logstash
      url: http://localhost:8080/logstash_node_stats.json
          Host: www.example.com
          pretty: yes
        - name: logstash_jvm_mem_pools_$metric
          object_path: $.jvm.mem.pools.*
          metric_path: "@.*"
          metric_type: gauge
          regex: jvm\.mem\.pools\.(?P<pool>[^.]+)\.(?P<metric>[^.]+)
              pool: $pool
              name: $.name
        - name: logstash_jvm_mem_$metric
          object_path: $.jvm.mem.*
          metric_path: "@"
          metric_type: gauge
          regex: jvm\.mem\.(?P<metric>[^.]+)
              foo: bar
              name: $.name
        - name: logstash_pipeline_events_$metric
          object_path: $.pipeline.events
          metric_path: "@.*"
          regex: pipeline\.events\.(?P<metric>[^.]+)
              name: $.name
        - name: logstash_all_$metric
          regex: (?P<metric>.*)
              name: $.name
        - name: logstash_test
    - name: newrelic
      url: http://localhost:8080/servers.json
      timeout: 2
        - name: newrelic_servers_summary_$metric
          object_path: $.servers[*]
          metric_path: "@.summary.*"
          metric_type: gauge
          regex: servers\.\[(?P<id>\d+)\]\.summary\.(?P<metric>[^.]+)
              name: "@.name"
              host: "@.host"
              id: $id

Global configuration

item description
logging The logging section changes the default logger configuration (see https://docs.python.org/2/library/logging.config.html), optional
targets The list of targets, optional


item description
name name of the target, used in logging and exporter metrics
method HTTP method to use when scraping target, defaults to GET, optional
url the target url to scrape metrics from
timeout the timeout to use, defaults to 5 seconds, optional
params a mapping with query parameters to add to the url, optional
headers a mapping with HTTP headers to use when scraping target, optional
body data to use in message body when scraping target, optional
strftime time format string https://docs.python.org/2/library/time.html#time.strftime, can be used as template variable in url, params and body, optional
strtime_utc boolean to indicate if the time used in variable must be in UTC, defaults to yes, optional
ca_bundle a certificate file name or OpenSSL c_rehash processed directory, optional


item description
name name of the rule, can contain variables like $metric or ${metric} which are substituted with group matches from the regex expression.
object_path a JSONPath expression to select the initial objects from the JSON object, optional
metric_path a JSONPath expression to select the metrics starting from the selected object_path, but can be relative (using @) or absolute (using $), optional
metric_type sets the type of the metric. Possible types are untyped, gauge, counter, summary and histogram. defaults to untyped
regex a regular expression used to extract values ("groups") from a metric_path. These values are inserted in template varaibles into rule names or static labels, optional
dynamic_labels key-value pairs that are added to a metric. The value of this label is determined dynamically with a JSONPath expression and must yield a single string value, optional
static_labels key-value pairs that are added to a metric. The value of this label is determined by inserting template values (variables must start with a $ or be enclosed with ${ and }). For example using variables like $metric or ${metric}, optional