Dashboards as a Code: managing Grafana with Jsonnet

This repository contains supplementary materials for our presentation at the OpenInfra Day Germany 2024.

You can access to the Presentation Slides here.


Creating dashboards and visualizations on Grafana can be a simple task, but when we need to create dozens of dashboards it could require more time and a lot of manual work. Here is where the Grafana as a Code appears – a very good option to write simple code to generate dozens of automated and centralized visualizations that will make you avoid repetitive tasks, copy and pastes, manual work, among all other things.

Useful links


Jsonnet Bundler

Grafonnet library


We present examples in Jsonnet language. It is worth to take a look at those before jumping to the grafonnet section, since it is needed to understand Jsonnet for creating dashboards and visualizations.

All the Jsonnet examples are under the jsonnet-examples.

Grafana and grafonnet examples

We setup a local environment with Grafana using docker image with jsonnet & grafonnet to generate the JSON models that Grafana can understand.

We provide a docker-compose.yml to simplify setting up the Grafana sandbox. Everything is configured already to fetch from the opensearch data source that is publicly available. Also, a dashboard from generated JSON model will appear in the deployed instance once we execute docker compose up.

For more information follow the grafana folder of this repository.


Szymon Datko, Adrian Fusco Arnejo