
This simple project is used to get information about flights between two airports in a specific date using the RyanAir API.

For now we're searching just for RyanAir flights.


$ pip3 install .
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
  Preparing metadata (setup.py) ... done
Using legacy 'setup.py install' for sflight-ryanair, since package 'wheel' is not installed.
Installing collected packages: sflight-ryanair
  Running setup.py install for sflight-ryanair ... done
Successfully installed sflight-ryanair-0.0.1
$ sflight -h
usage: sflight [-h] {flights,airports} ...

Parse the information required to get information about flights and airports in RyanAir

positional arguments:
    flights           Get information between two flights
    airports          Get information about airports

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  • Print flights subcommand info:
usage: sflight flights [-h] --departure-date DEPARTURE_DATE --origin ORIGIN --destination DESTINATION [--only-arrivals | --no-only-arrivals] [--only-departures | --no-only-departures]
                       [--get-stations | --no-get-stations]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --departure-date DEPARTURE_DATE
  --origin ORIGIN
  --destination DESTINATION
  --only-arrivals, --no-only-arrivals
  --only-departures, --no-only-departures
  --get-stations, --no-get-stations
  • Print airports subcommand info:
usage: sflight airports [-h] [--get-stations | --no-get-stations]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --get-stations, --no-get-stations

Usage examples:

  • Get all flights between two airports both arrivals and departures.
$ sflight flights --origin SCQ --destination MAD --departure-date 2022-05-20

Origin City     Destination City    Flight number    Flying duration    Time departure -> Time arrival                      Price
--------------  ------------------  ---------------  -----------------  --------------------------------------------------  ---------
Santiago Comp.  Madrid              FR 5316          01:10h             2022-05-20T06:50:00.000 -> 2022-05-20T08:00:00.000  28.29 EUR
Santiago Comp.  Madrid              FR 5318          01:10h             2022-05-20T22:25:00.000 -> 2022-05-20T23:35:00.000  51.39 EUR
Madrid          Santiago Comp.      FR 5315          01:15h             2022-05-20T08:35:00.000 -> 2022-05-20T09:50:00.000  9.99 EUR
Madrid          Santiago Comp.      FR 5317          01:15h             2022-05-20T20:35:00.000 -> 2022-05-20T21:50:00.000  89.02 EUR
  • Get all departure flights between two airports.
$ -> sflight flights --origin SCQ --destination MAD --departure-date 2022-05-25 --only-departures
Origin City     Destination City    Flight number    Flying duration    Time departure           Time arrival             Price
--------------  ------------------  ---------------  -----------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ---------
Santiago Comp.  Madrid              FR 5316          01:10h             2022-05-25T06:50:00.000  2022-05-25T08:00:00.000  20.59 EUR
Santiago Comp.  Madrid              FR 5318          01:10h             2022-05-25T22:25:00.000  2022-05-25T23:35:00.000  20.59 EUR
  • Get airports used by ryanair
$ -> sflight airports --get-stations

Available airports:
('AAL', 'Aalborg')
('AAR', 'Aarhus')
('ABZ', 'Aberdeen')
('ACE', 'Lanzarote')
('ADB', 'Adnan Menderes')
('AGA', 'Agadir')
('AGH', 'Angelholm')
('AGP', 'Malaga')
('AHO', 'Alghero')
('ALC', 'Alicante')
('AMM', 'Amman')
('AMS', 'Amsterdam')
('ANG', 'Angoulême')
('AOC', 'Altenburg')
('AOI', 'Ancona')
('AQJ', 'Aqaba')
('ARN', 'Arlanda')
('ARW', 'Arad')