Laravel Backend Coding Simulation

Trax Milage Tracking Application


In this coding simulation you are being asked to develop the backend for ‘Trax’ - a milage tracking application developed using Laravel 9, Vue.js 2 and Vuetify.js.

The front-end of the application has already been developed and consists of the following features:

  • User registration and authentication (Note: No back-end work is required for user management. This work is already complete.)
  • Ability for a logged in user to add a car to Trax
  • Ability for a logged in user to remove a car from Trax
  • Ability for a logged in user to view a list of all their cars
  • Ability for a logged in user to add a trip to Trax specifying which car was used.
  • Ability for a logged in user to a view a list of all their trips

The frontend of the application currently makes requests to a set of mock endpoints implemented in-line in /routes/api.php, with each mock endpoint sending back statically defined JSON objects. It is your task to develop a functional API for Trax. You are being asked to:

  • Design the Data-Model for Trax and create corresponding Database Migrations.
  • Implement the Eloquent Model Layer
  • Design a RESTful API to be consumed by the front-end using the mock end-points as a guide for the expected data format.
  • Implement the Controller(s) for the API and leverage them in the routes.
    • Entrypoint for list of Trips should be written in clean SQL or using Query Builder
  • Remember to unit test your code
  • Update the frontend’s /resources/assets/js/traxAPI.js file so that the frontend makes uses of your new API. Ideally, you should showcase your Laravel experience by using as many Laravel specific features as possible. For example: Scopes, Resources, Policies, Requests, etc.

Miles Balance

Miles Balance is the sum of the miles driven by the car after the trip.

Getting Started

Perform the following steps to get started with the coding simulation.

If you have Docker version 20.10.14 or higher, please do:

DockerDesktop > Preferences > General > OFF the checkbox "Use Docker Compose V2"

Setup your working environment by executing the following commands:

cd <trax repo directory>
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
docker exec -it trax_php_1 composer install
docker exec -it trax_php_1 npm install
docker exec -it trax_php_1 npm run dev
docker exec -it trax_php_1 php artisan migrate

At this point you can open http://localhost:8080/ and start using the mock-API backed application. As a first step, you should click ‘Register’ in the upper right to create an account and enter the application.

Should you make changes to any of the JS files, such as /resources/assets/js/traxAPI.js, you can run the following in order to compile your changes

docker exec -it trax_php_1 npm run dev

Or to watch for any JS changes you can run

docker exec -it trax_php_1 npm run watch

Commit your changes locally and when finished, publish your repo on your public bitbucket or github account.