📕 twtxt is a Self-Hosted, Twitter™-like Decentralised micro-Blogging platform. No ads, no tracking, your content, your data!
is a twtxt client in the form of a web application. It supports multiple users and also hosts user feeds directly.
There is also a publicly (free) available Pod available at:
NOTE: I James Mills run this first (of which I hope to be many)
instance on pretty cheap hardware on a limited budget. Please use it fairly so everyone can enjoy using it equally! Please be sure to read the /privacy policy before signing up (pretty striaght forward) and happy Twt'ing! 🤗
Sponsor this project to support the development of new features the upcoming Mobile App and much more! Or contact Support for help with running your own Twtxt!
This project offers fully-managed, 1-click instances of this platform we call Twt.social pods.
Please visit Twt.social to get your pod today!
NOTE: As of 15th Aug 2020 (comment announcement blog), this is completely FREE and we invite anyone to contact us for an invite code to be one of the first few pod owners!
As a first point, please try to use one of the pre-built binaries that are available on the Releases page.
We provide Homebrew formulae for macOS users for both the
command-line client (twt
) as well as the server (twtd
brew tap jointwt/twtxt
brew install twtxt
Run the server:
Run the commanad-line client:
This is an option if you are familiar with Go development.
- Clone this repository (this is important)
git clone https://github.com/jointwt/twtxt.git
- Install required dependencies (this is important)
Linux, macOS:
make deps
- Install
- Install
that bringspkg-config
gmake deps
- Install ```gmake```
- Install ```pkgconf``` that brings ```pkg-config```
gmake deps
- Build the binaries
Linux, macOS:
NOTE_: It is important you follow these steps and don't just simply attempt
go get ...
this project as that will not work (#30) due to the
need to package templates and static assets which we use the
go.rice tool for.
- Login to your Twt.social pod:
$ ./twt login
INFO[0000] Using config file: /Users/prologic/.twt.yaml
- Viewing your timeline
$ ./twt timeline
INFO[0000] Using config file: /Users/prologic/.twt.yaml
> prologic (50 minutes ago)
Hey @rosaelefanten 👋 Nice to see you have a Twtxt feed! Saw your [Tweet](https://twitter.com/koehr_in/status/1326914925348982784?s=20) (_or at least I assume it was yours?_). Never heard of `aria2c` till now! 🤣 TIL
> dilbert (2 hours ago)
Angry Techn Writers ‣ https://dilbert.com/strip/2020-11-14
- Making a Twt (post):
$ ./twt post
INFO[0000] Using config file: /Users/prologic/.twt.yaml
Testing `twt` the command-line client
INFO[0015] posting twt...
INFO[0016] post successful
Run the compose configuration:
docker-compose up -d
Then visit: http://localhost:8000/
Run twtd:
twtd -R
NOTE: Registrations are disabled by default so hence the -R
flag above.
Then visit: http://localhost:8000/
You can configure other options by specifying them on the command-line:
$ ./twtd --help
Usage of ./twtd:
-E, --admin-email string default admin user email (default "support@twt.social")
-N, --admin-name string default admin user name (default "Administrator")
-A, --admin-user string default admin user to use (default "admin")
--api-session-time duration timeout for api tokens to expire (default 240h0m0s)
--api-signing-key string secret to use for signing api tokens (default "PLEASE_CHANGE_ME!!!")
-u, --base-url string base url to use (default "")
-b, --bind string [int]:<port> to bind to (default "")
--cookie-secret string cookie secret to use secure sessions (default "PLEASE_CHANGE_ME!!!")
-d, --data string data directory (default "./data")
-D, --debug enable debug logging
--feed-sources strings external feed sources for discovery of other feeds (default [https://feeds.twtxt.net/we-are-feeds.txt,https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jointwt/we-are-twtxt/master/we-are-bots.txt,https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jointwt/we-are-twtxt/master/we-are-twtxt.txt])
--magiclink-secret string magiclink secret to use for password reset tokens (default "PLEASE_CHANGE_ME!!!")
-F, --max-fetch-limit int maximum feed fetch limit in bytes (default 2097152)
-L, --max-twt-length int maximum length of posts (default 288)
-U, --max-upload-size int maximum upload size of media (default 16777216)
-n, --name string set the pod's name (default "twtxt.net")
-O, --open-profiles whether or not to have open user profiles
-R, --open-registrations whether or not to have open user registgration
--session-expiry duration timeout for sessions to expire (default 240h0m0s)
--smtp-from string SMTP From to use for email sending (default "PLEASE_CHANGE_ME!!!")
--smtp-host string SMTP Host to use for email sending (default "smtp.gmail.com")
--smtp-pass string SMTP Pass to use for email sending (default "PLEASE_CHANGE_ME!!!")
--smtp-port int SMTP Port to use for email sending (default 587)
--smtp-user string SMTP User to use for email sending (default "PLEASE_CHANGE_ME!!!")
-s, --store string store to use (default "bitcask://twtxt.db")
-t, --theme string set the default theme (default "dark")
-T, --twts-per-page int maximum twts per page to display (default 50)
-v, --version display version information
--whitelist-domain strings whitelist of external domains to permit for display of inline images (default [imgur\.com,giphy\.com,reactiongifs\.com,githubusercontent\.com])
pflag: help requested
You can deploy twtxt
to a Docker Swarm
cluster by utilising the provided twtxt.yaml
Docker Stack. This also depends on
and uses the Traefik ingress load balancer so you must
also have that configured and running in your cluster appropriately.
docker stack deploy -c twtxt.yml
- 07-12-2020: Console-30 from the Console weekly newslsetter on open-source proejcts.
- 30-11-2020: Reddit post on r/golang
Support the ongoing development of twtxt!
Interested in contributing to this project? You are welcome! Here are some ways you can contribute:
- File an Issue -- For a bug, or interesting idea you have for a new feature or just general questions.
- Submit a Pull-Request or two! We welcome all PR(s) that improve the project!
Please see the Contributing Guidelines and checkout the Developer Documentation or over at /docs.
Please note: If you wish to contribute to this proejct off-Github please get in touch with us and let us know! We have this project mirroed to private Git hosting using Gitea and can fully support external collaborator this way (even via email!).
Thank you to all those that have contributed to this project, battle-tested it, used it in their own projects or products, fixed bugs, improved performance and even fix tiny typos in documentation! Thank you and keep contributing!
You can find an AUTHORS file where we keep a list of contributors to the project. If you contriibute a PR please consider adding your name there. There is also Github's own Contributors statistics.
- rss2twtxt -- RSS/Atom to Twtxt aggregator.
- Twt.social -- Hosted platform for Twt.social pods like twtxt.net.
- Goryon -- Our Flutter iOS and Android Mobile App.
- Twt.js -- Our JavaScript / NodeJS library for using the API.
- we-are-twtxt -- A voluntary user contributed registry of users, bots and interesting feeds.
- jointwt.org -- Our JoinTwt.org landing page.
is licensed under the terms of the MIT License