- 0
router.replace("/home") does not work
#41 opened by ZdravkoCickovic - 0
relationship appwrite
#40 opened by GRIdiscrete - 4
Video playback error: db.w0: None of the available extractors (c, d, b, g, k, b, a0, d, h0, e, h, b, e, f, b, a) could read the stream.
#28 opened by TajwarSaiyeed - 27
- 2
Black bar above the nav/tab bar.
#38 opened by bsauve123 - 5
Video not playing on device (IOS)
#33 opened by mbacarro - 1
- 14
- 1
' WARN Layout children must be of type Screen, all other children are ignored. To use custom children, create a custom <Layout />. Update Layout Route at: "app/(tabs)/_layout"'
#29 opened by Pannu786 - 9
- 1
Property 'setUser' doesn't exist
#37 opened by shubhamprkash - 1
- 2
Font not working properly on android
#17 opened by Yassin-Zaher - 0
Expo app crashing after splash / login screen but it's perfectly on expo go development mode
#36 opened by fsari - 1
- 1
- 1
Playing a video from the VideoCard component ListHeaderComponent disappears
#15 opened by brayanobisto - 2
- 0
ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'username' of null after registration new user and login
#30 opened by LesyaTT - 2
Can't setup Nativewind for the app!
#26 opened by aditya-2k23 - 8
Render Error Module "23" is missing
#20 opened by jmoonk12 - 2
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
AppwriteException: Network request failed
#18 opened by jelopez03 - 2
fontFamily "Poppins-SemiBold" is not a system font and has not been loaded through expo-font.
#22 opened by ankitjasbeersingh - 3
- 2
putting real username in home.jsx
#3 opened by PARVNEMA - 0
- 2
Getting Error in Create Post
#10 opened by HerbertNtim - 1
Help me to solve this problem
#8 opened by Madhannmady07 - 1
Can't able to get the data in the logs
#6 opened by madhannmady - 0
- 3
Sample Videos not playing
#2 opened by svashish305 - 2
Invalid Sample Video Thumbnail URLs
#1 opened by navaneethred