Simple ReactJS + Flask App using WebSockets (

This simple App connects a Flask server to a React client and opens a two way interactive communication using WebSocket technology with the library. With WebSockets you can send messages to a server and receive event driven responses without having to poll a server.

This repo was created to help users create WebSocket communication protocols along with regular HTTP communication using a Python Flask server and a Javascript React client.

Tech Stack

Client: ReactJS,,

Server: Python3,eventlet,Flask-Cors,Flask-SocketIO


Make sure you have installed Node.js, npm, Python3, and pip. After installation please follow the instructions below to download the repo.

  • Within the terminal window, create a folder in your local drive.
  • Navigate to the folder created.
  • Run the following command:
  git clone
  • Navigate into the new sub-folder created called WebSocket-App.
  • Run the following commands to create an environment and install the dependencies:
  python3 -m venv env
  source env/bin/activate
  pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Navigate into the /front-end folder and run the following command:
  npm i react-scripts

Run Locally

Open two terminal windows, one to be used by the Flask server and the other to be used by the React client. Make sure the server is initialized before the client to avoid any issues.

Terminal window 1 - start the server:

  cd webSocket-App
  source env/bin/activate

Terminal window 2 - start the client:

  cd webSocket-App/front-end
  npm start


The browser on the left is Google Chrome and the Browser on the right is Firefox. The demo below displays in red a simple fetch to the server that executes on the rendering of the page using an http call. It also displays a chat communication between two users in the server using WebSocket communication. Notice that when a message is sent by one user, the other user receives the message without having to re-render the component or the page.

You will notice in the code that I manually set Flask to run on PORT 5001 instead of the usual PORT 5000. This is because AirPlay in Apple is also running on PORT 5000 and it was making it difficult for Flask and React to connect using WebSockets. Another workaround is to turn off Airplay on the Mac by going to System Preferences > Sharing > uncheck AirPlay Receiver.