
Easy verify ILogger Moq mocks

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Enables the Moq's Verify API over the ILogger extensions (LogInformation, LogError, etc).

Build status Quality Gate Status NuGet


PM> Install-Package ILogger.Moq


Given the following SUT:

public class SomeClass
    private readonly ILogger<SomeClass> _logger;

    public SomeClass(ILogger<SomeClass> logger) => _logger = logger;

    public void SemanticLogging()
        var position = new { Latitude = 25, Longitude = 134 };
        var elapsedMs = 34;

         _logger.LogInformation("Processed {@Position} in {Elapsed:000} ms.", position, elapsedMs);

    public void LoggingInformation()
        => _logger.LogInformation("This operation is successful.");

    public void LoggingWarning(string name)
        => _logger.LogWarning(new ArgumentException("The given name is not ok", nameof(name)), "This operation failed, but let's log an warning only");

Then interactions like the ones below can be asserted:

public void Verify_semantic_logging()
    var loggerMock = new Mock<ILogger<SomeClass>>();
    var sut = new SomeClass(loggerMock.Object);


    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogInformation("Processed { Latitude = 25, Longitude = 134 } in 034 ms."));

    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogInformation("Processed {@Position} in {Elapsed:000} ms.", new { Latitude = 25, Longitude = 134 }, 34));
    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogInformation("Processed {@Position} in {Elapsed:000} ms.", It.IsAny<It.IsAnyType>(), It.IsAny<int>()));
    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogInformation("Processed {@Position} in {Elapsed:000} ms.", It.Is<object[]>(arg => arg != null)));

    // wildcard usages
    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogInformation("Processed { Latitude = *, Longitude = * } in * ms."));
    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogInformation("Processed * in * ms."));
    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogInformation("Processed*{@Position}*{Elapsed:000}*ms."));

    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogInformation("Processed * in * ms.", It.IsAny<It.IsAnyType>(), It.IsAny<int>()));
    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogInformation("Processed {@Position}*{Elapsed:000} ms.", new { Latitude = 25, Longitude = 134 }, 34));
public void Verify_log_information_with_a_message()
    var loggerMock = new Mock<ILogger<SomeClass>>();
    var sut = new SomeClass(loggerMock.Object);


    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogInformation("This operation is successful."));
    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogInformation("This * is successful."));
    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogInformation(It.Is<string>(msg => msg.Length > 5)));
    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogInformation(It.IsAny<string>()));
    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogInformation(It.IsNotNull<string>()));
    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogInformation(It.IsRegex(".*")));
public void Verify_errors()
    var loggerMock = new Mock<ILogger<SomeClass>>();
    var sut = new SomeClass(loggerMock.Object);


    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogWarning(It.IsAny<ArgumentException>(), It.IsAny<string>()));
    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogWarning(It.Is<ArgumentException>(ex => ex.ParamName == "name"), "*failed*"));
    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogWarning((EventId)10, It.IsAny<ArgumentException>(), "*failed*"));
    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogWarning(It.IsAny<EventId>(), It.IsAny<ArgumentException>(), "*failed*"));
    loggerMock.VerifyLog(logger => logger.LogWarning(It.IsAny<EventId>(), new ArgumentException("The given name is not ok", "name"), "*failed*"));

It is expected for the VerifyLog expression to contain ILogger extensions methods, which is not possible with Moq. If you use Verify, which is part of the Moq library, instead of the VerifyLog method, then you'll then get a Moq exception with the following message Invalid verify on an extension method.


Moq cannot verify extension methods calls, as in essence these are static classes and cannot be mocked, so you'll have to check the extension implementation and see what is actually called. Once you figure out, then you have to write the Moq Verify expression based on the extension's implementation as you have to see which interface method is hit.

When an extension method is passed to Moq, then an exception like the following one is raised:

    System.NotSupportedException : Invalid verify on an extension method: logger => logger.LogInformation("User is not authorized {user}", new[] {  })
  Stack Trace: 
    Mock.ThrowIfVerifyExpressionInvolvesUnsupportedMember(Expression verify, MethodInfo method)
    Mock.VerifyVoid(Mock mock, LambdaExpression expression, Times times, String failMessage)
    Mock`1.Verify(Expression`1 expression)

This package translates the given VerifyLog expression into one expected by the ILogger.Log method, which is the actual method that is called by the LoggerExtensions class.

There are three main benefits using this package:

  • it is easier to verify the interaction with ILogger;
  • the verification in tests are alike the SUT's implementation;
  • facilitates the investigation of the failed tests.

Failed test messages

When a test fails because the SUT does not behave as specified in the VerifyLog setup, then the message will contain a representation of the VerifyLog expression and also the original Moq exception message.

This is a failed test example that displays the VerifyLog expression with the expected setup, followed by the original Moq exception.

   Source: SomeClassTest.cs line 64
   Duration: 645 ms

    Moq.VerifyLogException : 
    Expected invocation on the mock at least once, but was never performed: logger => logger.LogInformation("Processed {@Position} * {Elapsed:000} ms.", new[] { new {int Latitude, int Longitude}(25, 134), (object)34 })
    ---- Moq.MockException : 
    Expected invocation on the mock at least once, but was never performed: logger => logger.Log<It.IsAnyType>(LogLevel.Information, It.IsAny<EventId>(), It.Is<It.IsAnyType>((v, t) => VerifyLogExtensions.CompareMessages("Processed {@Position} * {Elapsed:000} ms.", VerifyLogExpression, v)), It.IsAny<Exception>(), (Func<It.IsAnyType, Exception, string>)It.IsAny<object>())
    Performed invocations:
       Mock<ILogger<SomeClass>:1> (logger):
          ILogger.Log<object>(LogLevel.Information, 0, Processed { Latitude = 0, Longitude = 0 } in 000 ms., null, Func<object, Exception, string>)
  Stack Trace: 
    VerifyLogExtensions.Verify[T](Mock`1 loggerMock, Expression`1 expression, Nullable`1 times, Func`1 timesFunc, String failMessage) line 234
    VerifyLogExtensions.VerifyLog[T](Mock`1 loggerMock, Expression`1 expression) line 126
    SomeClassTest.Verify_semantic_logging() line 73
    ----- Inner Stack Trace -----
    Mock.Verify(Mock mock, LambdaExpression expression, Times times, String failMessage)
    Mock`1.Verify(Expression`1 expression, String failMessage)
    VerifyLogExtensions.Verify[T](Mock`1 loggerMock, Expression`1 expression, Nullable`1 times, Func`1 timesFunc, String failMessage) line 230