
Automatically set up an icecast2 streaming server on DigitalOcean

MIT LicenseMIT

A cloud config file tested on DigitalOcean to set up an icecast2 streaming server.


  • Streams music from /home/radio/music 24/7 in the /stream mount.
  • When you connect to the source /talk, music is stopped and the /stream mount is now seamlessly mirroring /talk.
  • Automatic OpenVPN setup so that you'll not have to send passwords in the clear.
  • Generates a strong password for the icecast installation.


  • Create a new DigitalOcean dropplet with Ubuntu 14.04.
  • Select the User Data option and paste in the contents of cloud-config.yaml
  • You should update the script as needed. Note the icecast2 settings.
  • ALWAYS CHANGE THE SSH KEY IN cloud-config.yaml
  • Add optional SSH keys on the DigitalOcean website
  • Immediately connect to the server over ssh
  • Username: radio
  • Use your own SSH key
  • After a while, you'll see a music directory in the home folder
    • Upload some mp3's
    • Run ~/new_music.sh
  • After three to five minutes, you'll get a message in the terminal saying Ready for reboot.
    • Reboot if the music upload is complete, and you've run ~/new_music.sh


If you're using Windows or OS X, simply download butt.

Server configuration in butt

If you're using the provided VPN setup:

  • Address:
  • Port: 8000
  • Type: Icecast
  • Mountpoint: talk
  • User: source
  • Password: Located in /home/radio/icecast_password.txt


MIT License