
Taken from InAnimaTe/docker-postgres-s3-archive, this image has the necessary utilities for you to perform postgres backups to S3.

The idea is here is to provide an easy ready-to-go way to dump an entire postgresql database, compress it, encrypt it, and push it to Amazon S3.


docker build --build-arg POSTGRES_VERSION=15 -t postgres-backup .
docker run -it --network=container:postgres --env-file .env --rm --name postgres-backup postgres-backup

To perform continues backups schedule a cron job:

0 2 * * * docker run -itd --network=container:postgres --env-file .env --rm --name postgres-backup postgres-backup


echo $SYMMETRIC_PASSPHRASE | gpg --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt database-archive.psql.xz.gpg | xz -d | psql -U postgres postgres


  • Symmetric Encryption via gpg
  • Compression via xz (lzma2)
  • Extreme configurability via environment variables :)

Environment variables


  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - AWS S3 access key.
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - AWS S3 secret key.
  • BUCKET - AWS S3 bucket (and folder) to store the backup. i.e. s3://herpderpbucket/folder
  • SYMMETRIC_PASSPHRASE - The gpg symmetric passphrase to use to encrypt your file.


  • PGHOST/PGPORT - Two variables which can be set to specify the usage of a different container or postgres server (meaning you aren't linking). (default: HOST and PORT of the container you link.)

  • PGUSER - The database user to connect as (default: postgres)

    We assume the user provided has full access without a password needed. Please make sure this exists and your server allows this user to login from the same network segment.

  • NAME_PREFIX - A prefix in front of the date i.e. jira-data-dir-backup (default: database-archive)

  • GPG_COMPRESSION_LEVEL - The compression level for gpg to use (0-9). (default: 0; not recommended since we're using xz)

  • XZ_COMPRESSION_LEVEL - The compression level for xz (lzma2) to use (0-9). (default: 9; this is the best compression level)

  • CIPHER_ALGO - The cipher for gpg to utilize when encrypting your archive. (default: aes256)

  • EXTENSION - The extension to use for the backup file i.e. tgz,tar.xz,bz2 (default: .psql.xz.gpg)

  • AWSCLI_OPTIONS - Provide some arguments to awscli (default: --sse) See here for possibilities.

  • EXCLUDED_DATABASES - The postgres databases (comma-separated) which should be excluded from the backup. (default: none)

All other aws-cli variables are also supported.

A few notes

  • Use spaces in your buckets, prefix, or extension at your own risk!