
Primary LanguageDockerfile

Loop Visual Studio Code Server

Available Images

Base Images

  • ghcr.io/adrianliechti/loop-code
  • ghcr.io/adrianliechti/loop-code:dind

Pre-Configured Images

  • ghcr.io/adrianliechti/loop-code:golang
  • ghcr.io/adrianliechti/loop-code:golang-dind
  • ghcr.io/adrianliechti/loop-code:python
  • ghcr.io/adrianliechti/loop-code:python-dind
  • ghcr.io/adrianliechti/loop-code:java
  • ghcr.io/adrianliechti/loop-code:java-dind
  • ghcr.io/adrianliechti/loop-code:dotnet
  • ghcr.io/adrianliechti/loop-code:dotnet-dind

Run locally (Example)

# run golang stack
docker run --name code -v $(pwd):/src -p 3000:3000 ghcr.io/adrianliechti/loop-code

With Docker Support

# run golang stack with docker-in-docker support
docker run --name code --privileged -v $(pwd):/src -p 3000:3000 adrianliechti/loop-code:dind

Open http://localhost:3000/?folder=/src in your Web Browser

Install on Kubernetes (Example)

This creates the following in the Namespace "loop"

  • a deployment with a persistent volume
  • a privileged sidecare container running docker
  • a service account & cluster-admin role binding (to manage Kubernetes)
  • a service accessable by http
# deploy on kubernetes
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adrianliechti/loop-code/main/kubernetes/install.yaml

# change stack if needed
kubectl set image deployment/code code=ghcr.io/adrianliechti/loop-code:python