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ColorApp.in is a web application that lets users search and sort iOs apps by color, as well as genre and price, and lets them plan out how they will display them on their iPhone. This app was my final project for the August session of General Assembly’s Web Development Immersive, a three month-programming bootcamp that takes people with no coding experience and equips them with the skills necessary to find a job as an entry-level web developer.
ColorApp.in was built over a six-day project sprint and was inspired by my love of color, organisation, and simple design. ColorApp.in was built on a Ruby-on-Rails framework, and uses Backbone.js to create a seamless, single-page application experience. Additional resources include: Heroku, Bootstrap, jQuery, Ajax, Underscore.js, Postgresql, as well as the ubiquitous HTML and CSS.
Click the color bars to sort by color. Additionally click the genres or the message that says “All (green) apps”. Click on the logo to show all apps again.
Click on the buttons on the top right to show/hide, clear current template, save, and delete saved templates.
Click on an app icon once to select the app and then click a location on the app location to add the app there.
Double click an app to toggle more information about the app, including name, genre, color details, and a link to download it.
Some programming concepts used:
User Authentication via user accounts and encrypted passwords
Database-driven web application
Collection sorting and filtering
MVC frameworks and separation of concerns
UX design to highlight affordances
Other resources:
Trello: trello.com/b/MAX2Y78d
Github Repo: github.com/AdrianMLin/colorapp