
Resources for searching and interacting with arxiv.org papers

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Resources for searching and interacting with arxiv.org papers. Search, monitoring, APIs, datasets

Search and Monitoring Tools

  • arXiv advanced search - arXiv's own advanced search.
  • arxiv-sanity - Periodically polls arxiv API for new papers. Then allows users to tag papers of interest, and recommends new papers for each tag based on SVMs over tfidf features of paper abstracts. Allows one to search, rank, sort, slice and dice these results in a pretty web UI. Lastly, arxiv-sanity-lite can send you daily emails with recommendations of new papers based on your tags. Curate your tags, track recent papers in your area, and don't miss out! Github. Authored by @karpathy.
  • searchthearxiv - semantic search for arxiv using openAI embeddings. Github. Authored by @augustwester.
  • arxivxplorer - semantic search for arxiv using openAI embddings. Filter by tag or year. Author has also made an OpenAI GPT plugin backed by arxivxplorer. Authored by @tomtumiel.
  • paperscape - A tool for visualizing the arXiv database, showing papers as a map and providing insights into trends and connections. Github. Created by Damien George and Rob Knegjens.


  • arXiv API - arXiv's own free API. Find and search paper metadata
  • Semantic Scholar API - search arXiv and other journals. Includes enriched metadata such as citation counts and abstract embeddings.


  • Cornell-University arXiv abstracts - arXiv abstracts updated weekly. Data includes relevant features such as article titles, authors, categories, abstracts, full text PDFs, and more.
