Only need to do this once:

  1. Fork this repository: click the fork button in GitHub
  2. Clone your forked repository to your local: use git clone <insert_repo_location> in terminal

Notes about homework:

  • Only create files in YOUR folder name.
  • Complete homework in the correct sub-directory, e.g. week 1 homework for tuesday should be completed inside ./<your_name>/wk01/2-tue/

Do this every night when you are given homework, EVEN IF YOU HAVE NOT COMPLETED THE HOMEWORK:

  1. In your local, add your files to staging and commit changes e.g. git add -A, git commit -m 'add method that alphabetizes strings in array'
  2. Push homework up from your local to your remote repository on Github e.g. git push origin master
  3. Create a pull request to this github repository from your remote repository: Go to your remote repository and click New pull request. Confirm by clicking Create pull request.